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Our teachers have received extensive training in The Creative Curriculum for Infants & Toddlers & Twos. This provides them the experience and knowledge to create lesson plans that are developmentally appropriate for the students they care for.
The teachers plan experiences in the following areas: playing with toys, imitating and pretending, enjoying stories and books, connecting with music and movement, creating with art, tasting and preparing food, exploring sand and water, and going outdoors.

Toddlers and Twos

Our toddler program enrolls children that are 12 months of age and must be walking. The children in this class utilize sippy cups for all drinks and are provided with whole milk and fed off the regular school menu. Teachers in our toddler class work with the children on developing their daily routines and enhancing their experiences.
Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum for All Ages
In our two year old classrooms, teachers work with children to: develop their social skills, play well with others, use communication skills to express their feelings and emotions, enhance their fine and gross motor skills, and increase their self-help skills to create a level of independence and self reliance. Children in this classroom are encouraged to begin potty training and utilize a lot more self help options.
In addition there are Interest Areas in which these components are applied: Blocks, Dramatic Play, Toys & Games, Art, Library, Discovery, Sand & Water, Music & Movement, Cooking, Computers, and Outdoor Play.
Your child’s teacher will use these components and interest areas to create lesson plans that engage and enrich your child and their learning experience. The classrooms have a well rounded schedule of education and play that will encourage your child to develop the skills they need to be successful!

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